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Planning Board Minutes 2009/08/20
AUGUST 20, 2009

Present: Peggy Chalmers, Chairman; Allan Davis; Bruce Jennings; Daniel Schneider; Peter White; Philip Porter, Alternate; Emma Smith, ex-offico member.
Also Present: Michael Marquise, Town Planner; Peter Dzewaltowski and Rachel Ruppel of Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Planning Commission; Tim Fleury, Lela Emery and Rem Mastin of the conservation commission; Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager; Selectman Charlotte Brown; Selectman Frederick Gallup; Selectman William Roach; Selectman Stephen White.   Representative Sue Gottling; Peter Urbach; Martin Bradie; Sherwood Moody; Scott Unsworth; Dottie Gallup.
Absent: Robert Stanley; Nick Kontoes, Alternate; Derek Tatlock, Alternate
Chairman Chalmers called the meeting to order at 7:01.
Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Planning Commission - Mr. Dzewaltowski stated he would like to receive comments from the planning board regarding the natural resources section following Ms. Ruppel’s summary.   
Ms. Ruppel explained that - in agreement with the conservation commission - it was decided to qualify all natural resources as important, with water quality rating slightly higher.  
Ms. Ruppel summarized what she took away from her meeting with the conservation commission. The goals of the natural resources section were clarified.  Goal #1 – To create and maintain a dynamic process for natural resources protection, with an emphasis on educating the public.  Goal #2 – To protect and rehabilitate the natural environment, including looking at undeveloped natural areas and unfragmented tracts of land.  General recommendations on storm water pollution and erosion control are stated.  Goal #3 – To provide public access to natural areas, clarifying that certain areas are suitable for higher impact recreation and some areas are appropriate for low impact recreation.   Regarding future land conservation, one aim should be to have more connection between conservation zones.  Goal #4 – To provide opportunity for the use of significant natural resources, including agriculture and forestry.  Ms. Ruppel said there was much discussion about renewable energy resources.  The conservation commission wanted a guide to development of those resources, especially small wind energy.
Mr. Fleury stated the conservation commission would return to discuss the final draft of the natural resources section once the planning board has an opportunity to review that information.
Board of Selectmen – Chairman White updated the planning board on the possibility of purchasing the Sunapee Center Condominium Complex  as discussed at the last selectmens meeting.  He stated that the selectmen felt it should be discussed with the planning board in light of the master plan and future town facilities.   
Selectman Gallup felt the central location of the property should be considered, as should the fact that it abuts presently owned town property.  He stated there are still about three acres that could be developed.  As well, there is a piece between the Sunapee Center property and the Gallup farm that possibly may be acquired at a later date.  He advocated for making a large connecting piece of property owned by the town.
Mr. Davis asked if all selectmen are in support of the purchase.  Selectman Gallup stated there were varying degrees of agreement.  Selectman Gallup and Chairman White both agreed that the Perkins Pond sewer project would take precedence over the purchase Sunapee Center if it came down to choosing one or the other.
Mr. Davis questioned the future use of the property, as the planning board heard from all the department heads for the master plan and only three needs were identified: a small amount of storage for town records, a small recreation building and a new library.
Mr. Peter White brought up the fact that the property was deemed unsuitable by the library and school and also inquired what would be housed there.  In his estimation,  a new town hall is low on the list of priorities after the library and elementary school.
Ms. Nashawaty said the site would be a chance to define and place a town center and wondered if the planning board sees the Sunapee Center property as a resource to create a center of activity.
Mr. Maquise pointed out that if that property is lost as a commercial piece it would put any other large commercial piece quite a way outside of town and he would have concern about that.
Selectman Smith suggested the formation of a committee to explore the property commercially.  She does not think it is a good purchase for town facilities.
Selectman Brown stated that the building must almost be discounted, as it is not of use in its present state.  She does not see the piece itself as being worth the asking price.
Selectman Gallup argued that the area cannot support a large commercial property.  He does not see the property ever flourishing commercially.  Mr. Marquise said that someday there will need to be a commercial piece that is outside of the harbor.  
Selectman Roach reiterated that fact that the library and school board are committed to the properties they have in the works for their expansion.  Additionally, the property is not large enough for an elementary school.  Selectman Roach suggested the hydroelectric plant for town record storage.  He also pointed out that there is quite an investment in the Old Town Hall and he would like to see some use there.
Mr. Peter White repeated Jeff Taylor’s opinion that just because the land is available or the right price does not mean it is a good fit for the community.  Ms. Nashawaty stated that the building could at least be temporarily used for the library and SAU offices.
Chairman White thanked the planning board for hosting the meeting and expressed his appreciation for their input.
Jeff Taylor summary –The board discussed the suggestions put forth by Mr. Taylor for the community design section of the master plan, in order to give him input when he returns on September 20.  Sunapee Harbor: Item #1 - Regarding the front setback definition, Mr. Marquise will do some research on the center line before the board accepts or rejects the recommendation.  Item #3 – The board agreed with the recommendation to reduce the allowable sign measurements of 48 square feet and not to allow electric signs.  Item #4 - The board will revisit reducing maximum building height.  Item #5 - In reference to the recommendation requiring slope on a roof, the board agreed to list sloped roofs as a desirable characteristic.  Remove item #6.  Item# 7 – The board would like to remove the recommendation to install rumble strips and clarify that sidewalks and curbing should be installed.  Route 11: The board agreed to mandate/encourage pitched roofs.  The board agreed to revisit the sign regulations.  The board agreed with item #6.  Lower Main Street: Item #1 – The board opted to remove this recommendation.  Item #2 – The board will revisit reducing the building height and pitched versus peaked.  The 1.5 story requirement will be removed.  Item #3 – The recommendation to install sidewalks will be kept with the additional suggestion to add curbing.  Item #4 –The board would like to indicate that this recommendation applies to commercial parking. Item #5 – The section encouraging porches will be removed.  Item #6 and #7 will be kept.  The board will revisit zoning on Lower Main Street.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45.

Respectfully submitted,
Katie Richardson, recording secretary

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman

Allan Davis

Bruce Jennings

Daniel Schneider

Peter White